Sitemap - 2023 - Victory Briefs

12/20-12/27: Truth-Testing and its Discontents

February PF Topic Previews Available

12/13-12/20: LD & PF Tournament Results and Analyzing the PF Meta for the January Topic

January Briefs Are Now Available

Registration Is Open For VBI 2024!

12/6-12/13: Registration Open for VBI 2024, LD & PF Tournament Results, and How to Master a Topicality 2NR

11/29-12/6: LD & PF Tournament Results and Prep for Success: Leveraging the Wikis to Do Winning Prep

January Topic Previews Are Now Available

January/February Topics Announced

11/22-11/29: Negating K-Affs Without T-Framework

11/15-11/22: LD & PF Tournament Results and Strategies for the Summary Speech in PF

11/8-11/15: LD & PF Tournament Results and Affirming the Fossil Fuel Extraction Topic

11/1-11/8: LD & PF Tournament Results and Frontlining and Asymmetrical Burdens in Public Forum

10/25-11/1: LD & PF Tournament Results and Circuit Debaters Ain’t No Different

10/18-10/25: LD Tournament Results and Traditional Debate: Misconceptions and Strategies

10/11-10/18: LD & PF Tournament Results and the Case Against Non-Resolutional Theory

November/December Briefs Are Now Available

10/4-10/11: LD & PF Tournament Results and Mastering Weighing: Common Pitfalls and Strategic Approaches

9/27-10/4: LD & PF Tournament Results and Answering Kritiks

November/December Topics Announced

9/20-9/27: LD & PF Tournament Results and the Importance of Impact Defense in PF

November/December 2023 LD Topic Roundtable

November/December Topic Previews Available

9/13-9/20: LD Tournament Results and a Linguistic Defense of Subset Affirmatives

9/6-9/13: LD & PF Tournament Results and Finding Your Zen

The Victory Briefs LD Newsletter: 8/30-9/6

Advantage Counterplans: The Key to Further Skewing Neg Win Rates

September/October Briefs Are Now Available

September/October Topics Announced

Announcing Victory Briefs Topic Previews

Still time to apply for VBI 2023 EA Scholarships

2023-2024 LD and PF Topics Announced

23-24 Victory Briefs Subscriptions available! ✌

Effective Altruism Scholarships for VBI 2023

7 Tips for In-Person NSDA Nationals 2023 by Lawrence Zhou

Shreya Joshi wins Blake

Ansh Sheth and Sophia Tian co-champion College Prep

Prateek Seela wins Strake

Anshul Gulati and Michelle Gong co-champion Isidore Newman

Amanda Sun wins Ridge

Feb PF Topic is Right to Work