VBI 2021 Registration is Now Open!
We are excited to announce that registration for VBI 2021 is now open at vbidebate.com!
We understand there is a lot of uncertainty for families trying to make plans for next summer, so we are offering a variety of options and formats, and allowing students to change sessions at any time before May 15th. Here are our 2021 dates and locations:
VBI 5-week Intensive: July 11–July 31 Online, August 1–August 14 at the University of California Los Angeles
VBI Philadelphia: June 26–July 9 held virtually using VBI's online platform
VBI Los Angeles: August 1-August 14 at the University of California Los Angeles
VBI Online: July 11–July 30 held virtually using VBI's online platform
We are particularly excited about our newest offering, the 5-week Intensive program. For the cost that some camps charge for a three-week session, debaters will take part in the most intense and innovative curriculum offered anywhere.
Stay tuned for more information as we roll out announcements over the next couple of weeks, including more information about new curriculum offerings, and 2021 instructors!