Carlos Taylor Wins the 2014 Mid-America Cup
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West Des Moines, IA – Congratulations to Evanston's Carlos Taylor for winning the 2014 Valley Mid-America Cup. In finals, he defeated Scarsdale's Rahul Gosain on a 2-1 decision (Theis, Thompson, Evnen*). Congratulations to both debaters! Carlos is coached by Jeff Hannan, Noah Star, Chris Vincent, and Erik Baker. Rahul is coached by Joe Vaughan, Daiya Massac, Mark Gorthey, and Chris Kymn.
This weekend we will be providing live coverage of the 2014 Mid-America Cup hosted by the West Des Moines Valley debate team. The Valley tournament is an octafinals bid qualifier tournament for the TOC.
Results from the Valley Round Robin and Sophomore Throw-down can be found here:
Full results for the Mid-America Cup can also be found on Tabroom:
The bracket can be found here:
Triple Octafinals
Sacred Heart AT def. Winter Springs JL (Baker, Evnen, Struver)
Hockaday AH def. Miramonte TK (Evnen, Power, Sloven)
Lexington LW def. Oxbridge NV (Castillo, Massac, Thompson)
Strake Jesuit AT def. Brentwood JR (Damerdji, Maude, Thompson)
Walt Whitman SP def. Apple Valley CH (Baker, McClung, Plunkett)
Hopkins SG def. Apple Valley GH (Alderete, Hannan, Yocom)
Bronx Science ID def. Walt Whitman MR (Azbel, Chy, Yocom)
Harrison KK def. Mountain View KX (McClung, Morris, Wright)
Strake Jesuit SM def. Walt Whitman LK (Nandu, Rankin, Wright)
Evanston JS def. Dowling Catholic CK (Legried, Martinez, Theis)
DuPont Manual XH def. Theodore Roosevelt EW (Legried, Struver, Theis)
Bronx Science CL def. Roseville Area DD (Hymson, McElwain, Saker)
La Canada AZ def. Millard North GB (Ave, Lonam, Shmikler)
Lake Highland MCo def. Immaculate Heart LM (Laverty, Massey, Shmikler)
Lamp RR def. University JR (Ditzian, Nandu, Solven)
Los Altos JN def. Whitefish Bay EZ (Ave, Cha, Ditzian)
Lake Highland SP def. San Marino KW (Chy, Massey, You)
Bronx Science OK def. Peninsula JL (Alderete, Castillo, You)
Lake Highland Prep RS def. Del Mar KK (Ahlstrom, Cha, Hymson)
Walt Whitman SC advances without debating
Evanston CT advances without debating
Bronx Science GMi advances without debating
Woodlands AC advances without debating
Law Magnet DD advances without debating
Strake Jesuit ATo advances without debating
Evanston EW advances without debating
Lake Highland NK advances without debating
Mission Peak SS advances without debating
Scarsdale RG advances without debating
Strake Jesuit JZ advances without debating
Del Mar VB advances without debating
Double Octafinals
Scarsdale RG def. DuPont Manual XH (Chy, Damerdji, Nandu)
Strake Jesuit ATo def. Walt Whitman SP (Azbel, Baker, Sloven)
Del Mar VB def. La Canada AZ (Baker, Hymson, Sloven)
Bronx Science GMi def. Los Altos JN (Ave, Azbel, Thompson)
Evanston EW def. Bronx Science ID (Ditzian, Theis, Thompson)
Walt Whitman SC def. Hockaday AH (Cha, McClung, Theis)
Strake Jesuit AT def. Hopkins SG (Evnen, Massac, Maude)
Woodlands AC def. Bronx Science OK (Castillo, Evnen, Martinez)
Sacred Heart AT def. Harrison KK (Ahlstrom, Wright, You)
Evanston CT def. Strake Jesuit SM (Damerdji, Ditzian, Hayward)
LAMP RR def. Bronx Science CL (Castillo, Hymson, Laverty)
Evanston JS def. Law Magnet DD (Cha, McElwain, Shmikler)
Mission Peak SS def. Lake Highland Prep SP (Chy, Legried, Shmikler)
Lake Highland Prep MCo def. Lexington LW (Legried, Massey, McClung)
Strake Jesuit JZ def. St. Thomas JB (Massac, Massey, Wright)
Lake Highland Prep NK over Lake Highland Prep RS
Mission Peak SS def. Woodlands AC (Abbey Chapman) (Laverty, Struver, Thompson)
Sacred Heart AT def. Strake Jesuit ATo (Anthony Tohme) (Damerdji, Innerarity, Massac)
Bronx Science GMi def. Walt Whitman SC (Sophia Caldera) (Baker, Hannan, Theis)
Scarsdale RG def. Strake Jesuit JZ (Joe Zaghrini) (Azbel, Nandu, Shmikler)
Evanston EW def. Lake Highland Prep NK (Neal Kapoor) (Cha, Martinez, McClung)
Evanston CT def. Strake Jesuit AT (Alberto Tohme) (Ditzian, Hayward, Wright)
Del Mar VB def. LAMP RR (Ruchir Rastogi) (Castillo, Hymson, Sloven)
Lake Highland MCo def. Evanston JS (Joey Schnide) (Legried, Massey, Yocom)
Evanston CT over Evanston EW (Eric Weine)
Mission Peak SS (aff) def. Lake Highland Prep MCo (Michael Corder) 2-1 (Castillo, Massac*, Massey)
Bronx Science GMi (aff) def. Del Mar VB (Varun Bhave) 2-1 (Ahlstrom, Ditzian*, McElwain)
Scarsdale RG (aff) def. Sacred Heart AT (Adam Tomasi) 2-1 (Baker, McClung, Thompson*)
Scarsdale RG (neg) def. Mission Peak SS (Shivane Sabharwal) 2-1 (Baker, Castillo*, Thompson)
Evanston CT (neg) def. Bronx Science GMi (Griffin Miller) 3-0 (Alderete, Ditzian, Theis)
Evanston CT (aff) def Scarsdale RG (Rahul Gosain) 2-1 (Theis, Evnen*, Thompson)
Evanston CT (Carlos Taylor)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]