Lincoln-Douglas Debate 2022-2023 Potential Topics
The Lincoln-Douglas Wording committee has developed a variety of potential resolutions for the 2022-2023 season. Member students and one chapter advisor per active school will vote for each topic one week prior to the topic release date. Topic voting for the September/October topic opens August 1.
See the full details at
2022 September/October
Resolved: The United States ought to implement a single-payer universal healthcare system.
Resolved: The United States should legalize the sale of human organs.
Resolved: The United States ought to ban the use of germline genetic engineering in humans.
2022 November/December
Resolved: The People’s Republic of China ought to prioritize environmental protection over economic growth.
Resolved: Singapore’s Ethnic Integration Policy is unjust.
Resolved: The Republic of Korea ought to abolish military conscription.
2023 January/February
Resolved: Justice requires open borders for human migration.
Resolved: The United States federal government’s plenary power over Indigenous Nations ought to be substantially limited.
Resolved: The European Union has an obligation to accept climate refugees.
2023 March/April
Resolved: In the United States, municipal governments ought to adopt participatory budgeting.
Resolved: In the United States, public K-12 schools ought to eliminate academic tracking.
Resolved: The justices of the Supreme Court of the United States ought to be term-limited.
2023 National Tournament
Resolved: It is unethical for individuals to consume the meat of non-human animals.
Resolved: Deterrence is a morally just function of punishment.
Resolved: Government employees have a moral obligation to leak classified information to address injustice.